Walt Whitman was born on this day in 1819. His lifespan overlapped with a period in neuroscience history that laid the foundation for today’s exciting time of brain exploration. For example, in 1854 when Whitman was 35 years old, Emil Huschke produced the first lithograph of the human brain. Read more
We’ve all heard weird factoids about brains. For example, dolphins sleep one hemisphere at a time. But, did you know that your brain has a resting state? This is somewhat of a contradictory label since it’s hard to define rest when it comes to the human brain. Read more
Reading is a fundamental ability that is critical for academic success. Currently, 5-15% of school children suffer from reading difficulties, which positions them at a lower starting point in school. Without an appropriate way of detecting these difficulties before they occur, we lack an objective methodology to diagnose reading difficulties. Read more
One of the cool things about being human is that you know you’re you and that you have skills and abilities that others don’t have. For example, qualities that differentiate you from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and vice versa. Read more
It’s 7:30 a.m. and I’ve had my morning coffee already. I’m taking off my belt and emptying my pockets. It’s that time again — I’m getting my brain scanned. I should clarify that I’m not taking off my belt in a Magic Mike sort of way, but instead, in a brain mapping sort of way. Magnetic Resonance Imaging - or MRI - has a strong magnetic field. Read more